Hello, it’s wonderful to meet you.
Bridget Ryan dreamed up the idea behind Orchard Hill Gardens 10 years ago when she moved into the place she currently lives and works. It was soon after that she began to understand that it was her responsibility to care for the land on which she lived.
Since childhood it has been her dream to live off the land, a reciprocal arrangement of love and understanding between nature and herself. She left her job bartending to raise her daughter 5 years ago and then the dream started to become a reality. Bridget has taught her daughter the lessons she learned, and the two of them have learned new lessons together. Perhaps more importantly, many lessons have been unlearned as the reality of our global climate crisis has changed the status quo in regards to running a household and a business. In the past few years, Bridget has integrated these lessons into a lifestyle that is sustainable to her family. These lessons include hard work, persistent gratitude and joy, rest, and a constant curiosity about the natural world.